Well, before you try getting back together with your ex, you should seriously consider whether it is the best decision for both of you. Sometimes, it may be better for you to le go of your relationship and move on.
First, we will have to look at how long you have broken up with your ex.
(Note: For simplicity, I will use he, she interchangeably. What is mentioned in this article applies to both men and women.)
If you have just broken up with your ex only a few days ago, perhaps, you should not focus on how to get your ex back yet. What you want to do now is to give yourself a break and try not to contact your ex.
Most likely, if you have just broken up, you wont feel emotionally stable enough to deal with this issue. By avoiding contact with your ex for the time being, you will also prevent yourself from making those mistakes that shouldnt be made. Making those mistakes can be damaging for the relationship.
In fact, during this period, you should try your best not to think about the unhappy memories of the break up. You may want to consider removing those objects in your room that will make you think of your ex. You dont have to throw them away. You can just pack them into any boxes and just put the boxes aside.
However, if you have already broken up for quite some time already and is really clear about what you want, then you should still do it gradually. You dont want to rush as you cant expect to get your ex back overnight.
For example, you dont want to call her too often too soon. This will show her that you are desperate and makes you less attractive in her eyes. I am sure you dont want that to happen.
If you call her and she did not answer, dont be to eager to call her again. Call her a few days later. This will increase the probability of her answering your call. Avoid being too pushy and it will increase your chances of getting your ex back.
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