Are you the host of a bay shower and wanting to save a little extra money while not appearing cheap? There are some corners that you can easily cut while still pulling off a stunning gala event! By following the tips and ideas below you will ensure that you have one of the grandest parties the guests and the mother to be will remember for years to come while saving big money.
By following the three things below you can easily save over half the cost of a traditional baby shower and yet personalize and customize the event. However, keep in mind that where ever you are saving money you will have to spend a little more time. So if you are short on time then it is often easier to pay extra and have the work done for you.
On of the biggest ways to save money is using baby shower clip art. This can be found either online or from a clip art software program that you can find at your local computer store. There is truly a plethora of clip art online and from these programs and you can easily find what you want.
So what can you do with baby shower clipart anyway you might ask yourself?
Free Baby Shower Invitations:
Well, you can easily save big money by making your own invitations with the clip art. The cool thing is you can also personalize people's invitations by inserting their names right onto the invitation itself. That make them feel unique and special and you will have a much better turnout for the event. Simply design the invitation on a word processor or graphics program. Inset the names either one at a time or from a mailing database. Then print them onto card stock paper. Viola you have wonderful custom made personalized free wedding invitations.
Baby Shower Decorations
You can also use the clip art to make some fun decorations for the event. For example if you are having a sit down meal during the baby shower why not make name tags on the computer and insert some clip art that goes along with the theme for the shower.
Free Baby Shower Games
You can find tons of places online that sell baby shower games. These look very nice and professionally done and if you have the money they can be a lot of fun. However, you can easily replicate what they have ton. Find a source of free baby shower games. Then take the directions and plans for the game and make your own. Again put these on some cardstock an insert some themed baby shower clip art and you have yourself some outstanding baby shower games.
Antoher way to save money is to do it yourself. Instead of paying for baby shower party favors that are premade why not purchase the pieces and put them together yourself. You will save money and be able to make unique and individualize baby shower favor for cheap.
You can also make the cake and food yourself and save big bucks! If you are not such a great chef or you just don't like to cook you can always enlist a few friends to help out. In fact if you make a big cooking party a day or two before the event with friends you can have a great time and have everything made before the party. What a great excuse to get together with friends.
Wholesale and Bulk
Another great money saving tip is to purchase in bulk whenever possible. If you can find food items or even favors for the party in bulk go ahead and get them. You can break the things down into smaller amounts and redistribute them on your own. Or if it is a food item you can eat the food later on after the party.
Saving money on a baby shower is very easy when you have the time to plan properly and can enlist the help of friends. If you are pressed for time or don't have enough spare time to do this then just pay the extra costs. However, making some of the baby shower invitations, decorations and cake can be a lot of fun when done together with friends.
Baby Shower On A Budget
Until recently baby showers were relatively small affairs involving just family and close friends but today they can be elaborate special occasions complete with professional entertainers and photographers. This means that, amongst other things, if you do not watch the bottom line your costs can run out of control very quickly. So, you need to watch your budget!
Traditionally the cost of a baby shower is borne by the host and the shower itself is considered to be the host's gift to the mother-to-be. Nowadays however this can be a very expensive gift and so you need to draw up a budget the moment you start your planning.
Nobody likes having to operate to a budget but if you do not then you can very quickly end up regretting your decision to hold the shower in the first place and then find yourself cutting corners at the last minute and spoiling what started out as a very good plan.
Remember too that the main purpose of a baby shower is for friends and family to get together to celebrate the birth of a new baby and to have fun doing so. In particular, it is important that the mother-to-be is the center of attention and thoroughly enjoys herself. This can be achieved without spending a fortune and at each step along the way, as you add something into your plan, simply ask yourself whether it will significantly add to the enjoyment of those present or is something which will probably not even be noticed amongst everything else and can be left out.
Another excellent idea today is to co-host a baby shower. There is no reason why just one person should host a baby shower and it is perfectly acceptable for two friends to get together and jointly host the shower. Indeed, there is no reason why this should not be extended to a group of three, four or even more co-hosts.
With two or more hosts you can either divide up the work and costs, with each host being responsible for a different aspect of the party such as decorations, food, drink and games, or with the hosts simply sharing the cost by deciding on an overall budget and then each putting their share into the baby shower 'pot'.
If you are going to host a baby shower and are looking for other people to share the cost then you will need to handle this with some tact. Never for example ask the mother-to-be or her partner to contribute towards the cost and be mindful of other guests who may be struggling financially. If you plan far enough in advance and spread the idea of having a baby shower carefully you will probably find that those close to the expectant mother will volunteer their services and many will offer to help out with the cost.
Do not forget too that there are many ways in which people can help without directly involving money. There may for example be people who are happy to make decorations for the party, or to organize games. Others may volunteer to cook food and bring it along with them, or to supply drinks. Many of the guests will have skills and talents which they can bring to bear and the more people who pitch in the lower the cost will generally be.
The secret, however you decide to plan a baby shower, is to decide how much you can afford to spend before you start and then to plan your party within that budget.
Both Sam Smith & Donald Saunders are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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