There goes what you have been dreading: "Mom, can you help me with algebra problems? I seem to be bad at algebra." Of course, you are very much willing to help. But you ask yourself, "what do I even remember about algebra?" You imagine how it is like to learn it again. Seems too much for a parenting responsibility, isn't it?
Well, the good thing is, there is a lot you can do to help. You do not have to be a math expert Mom or have a passion for math to help your child through his algebra problems. All you need is just a little patience, positive mindedness and tons of creativity.
Don't panic
When your child comes to you for help in algebra, do not panic. Be careful about what you will say next. Try to maintain a positive, encouraging attitude. Saying something negative (which you initially think will be funny) will do more harm than good.
Re-learn if you have time
Do not underestimate your memory. It may have been decades since you last read algebra problems, but you will be surprised at how easy it can be to re-learn. Browse through your child's book and remember as much as you can. You will still know a lot more than he does in algebra, so there is a lot you can do to help.
Connect algebra with actual reality
Your child should learn the practical applications of algebra. He may be wondering why he needs to learn algebra, so try to relate it with what happens in real life. Make it as simple as: You need to catch a movie at this time and given the drive is this long, what time do you have to leave the house to make it to the movies?
Get your child used to the language used in algebra. You probably know how algebra uses a set of language. For your child, it may be heiroglyphics. But once he understands it, he'll be able to breeze through it easily. Let him get used to how x represents an unknown information he needs to find, how t stands for time, "double" is 2x, and "2 more than" is 2 + x.
Practice word problems together. Algebra is about logical reasoning. You should guide your child towards the right reasoning to help him through algebra problems. Algebra word problems have certain logical patterns. If your child understands, he will be able to breeze through each and every problem without needing your help.
Be patient and creative. When your child encounters difficulties in certain problems, try to explain the situation being presented in the simplest way possible. Be creative and encouraging. Patiently listen to his thoughts on how to solve it. Lead him towards the right direction without saying the answer straightforwardly.
Ask help
If algebra is your waterloo, you do not have to go through this dilemma alone. If your husband is better than you at algebra problems, let him help. Better yet, it will not hurt to hire a tutor. You will be better off asking help, than allow your child to hate algebra for the rest of his life!
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