Most people want to start a network marketing business because they want to gain not only financial freedom, but freedom from being tied down to a 9 to 5 job or maybe from the pressures of corporate life. They may have their own business offline and are tired of being tied to that. The problem with most people who start out in the network marketing world is that they have never learned the skills of direct marketing and don't have a clue what to do.
They'll get into a business and their sponsor will tell them, "Ok, you just do what I did. Go sponsor someone." They don't know that their sponsor doesn't know what they're doing either. They just got lucky with them. Or maybe their sponsor does know some things about marketing online, but they can't seem to duplicate what they know in they're distributors.
Prospects are generated by targeting a specific audience that are interested in what you have. That's the way marketing is in any industry. But for some reason, when someone starts a business online they seem to forget that principle and they do "shotgun" marketing. They may even get lucky and find one or two "good ones" with that approach, but that's not how to build a large organization.
A lot of the businesses in the network marketing industry may have some of the best products, or services but many just don't have a marketing plan in place to help their people. And if you don't get your product or service in front of somebody, you aren't going to be in business very long. Some leaders may think that their people don't have any interest in doing what it takes to make the business work, when in reality it's not a lack of interest; it's a lack of guidance. Many online business owners, if they are taken by the hand and actually shown what to do, would have a much greater degree of success. They just don't know where to go to find out.
That's why some marketers who actually know what they're doing can charge an incredible amount of money to teach what they know about generating direct marketing leads. Many are willing to pay thousands of dollars for that knowledge. There are techniques that are used by some of the industries top marketers, and if those techniques are used consistently they will produce results. It's been demonstrated over and over again.
Marketing in any industry is a numbers game. It always has been and it always will be, but there are strategies that can be used to reduce the odds. Marketers need to target their advertising to send the right prospects to their web site. Not only do you want to send the right people to your site, you want to keep the wrong people out. That's very important when doing a pay per click campaign. All those clicks can get expensive if the wrong people are clicking on your site and not opting in.
There are ways to advertise for free online that many know nothing about. There are techniques used by some of the industries top internet marketers that can be used to market any business online whatever it is; a home based business, a product or service. These techniques work over and over again. The problem is that very few know how to use them and teach them. There are so many opportunities on the internet that if someone learned and apply just one of these simple principles, many businesses would explode instead of going bust.
Advertising And Direct Marketing
Marketing experts have noted increasing media fragmentation. Recently, the role of advertising and promotion in the overall marketing process has changed considerably. The audiences that marketers seek, along with the media and methods for reaching them, have become increasingly fragmented. Advertising and promotional tactics have become more regionalised and targeted to specific market segments.
The extraordinary expansion of media options to reach niche markets has been fully documented. Along with the growth of products and services and the segmentation of types of consumers has come an extraordinary proliferation of media. There are new kinds of media, new developments in the traditional media, and new uses for media. Increasingly, the new media are tools for targeting rather than for saturating the mass market.
Information and the role of the marketing database
In the information age marketers are not only focusing on analysis, but also understand the value of information exchange.
In the past, direct marketing has been distinguishable from other marketing disciplines because of its emphasis on initiating a direct relationship between a consumer and a seller, a relationship that until recently centered primarily on the exchange of goods and services. However, in today's marketing environment, exchanging information is becoming almost as important as exchanging goods and services. With rising costs, crowded supermarket shelves, and overstuffed mailboxes, smart marketers are not just efficiently consummating a sale, they are also providing a chance for customers to communicate with them.
Of all these changes surely the most revolutionary is the ability to store in the computer information about your prime prospects and customers and, in effect, create a database that becomes your private marketplace. As the cost of accumulating and accessing the data drops, the ability to talk directly to your prospects and customers -- and to build one-to-one relationships with them ? will continue to grow.
The new marketing landscape
The effects on consumers of overwhelming change and the acceleration of change in our time have been brilliantly documented by Hugh Mackay in Reinventing Australia: So apparent is our national malaise that it has become fashionable to talk about the Age of Anxiety.
For people given to applying labels to decades, the 1980s was popularly described as "The Anxious Eighties" and there is no doubt that the decade lived up to the promise of that rather anxious label. Australia has not been alone in all this. All around the Western world, social commentators have been struck by the rising level of angst over the past 20 years.
The mind and mood of consumers today provide interesting challenges.
The growing number of market segments and the simultaneous increase in available products have made marketing much harder. Manufacturers are in a quandary about what to produce; retail merchandise buyers are overwhelmed by the task of product selection; and advertisers feel swamped trying to convey appropriate messages to so many market segments about so many products ...companies are grappling with the fact that mass advertising campaigns have become less and less useful in reaching diverse groups of consumers.
Advertisers must now fight to establish the relevance of their products in an extremely fractured marketplace. The marketing future will undoubtedly look different in another respect as well: customer information technologies will change the relative roles of retailers, manufacturers, and media companies.
Retailers have a natural advantage because they can directly measure customer response and get first crack at the broadest range of information. Indeed, point-of-sale register systems have already played a significant role in shifting power from manufacturers to retailers.
Most important, the balance of power between large and small companies will change. As customer information technology becomes more prevalent, only those companies that can invest the resources and show technological leadership will succeed.
Both Robert Valente & Robert D. Thomson are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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