IF it is such a revolutionary technology, then why was it known about EIGHTY FIVE years ago?
There is nothing about this technology that is revolutionary itself, not really. The part that is is revolutionary is the amount of people that are finding out about it, converting their car engines from gasoline to hydrogen and revolting after a century of criminality from the oil corporations and automotive industry.
What abuse?
Well, to begin with, visit youtube.com and do a search for Lindsey Williams. He has some things to tell you about discovery of oil on the Northern slope of Alaska which is top secret because of criminal agreements between the US government and OPEC.
Also consider that the comparative gasoline mileage between an automobile in 1908 and today is a deficit of 40%! If the oil corporations and automotive industry had done nothing, we would get reduced fuel consumption by 40% compared to what we do get.
Those scams and others have us confronting the situation we are in today across the globeas regards the economy, wars, the environment, etc.
As mentioned, the Water4Gas device stems from technology some 85 years old - 1 Freedom Corp retains official US patents from the 1920's which label this technology as the common knowledge of those days! The device simply adds water vapor to the routine mixture of gasoline and air
There are those who say it has its origins in the fog of WW II, where it is said to have been employed against U.S. aircrafts during that war. One story has it that as pilots flew their aircraft at low levels above the surface of the water, they found a major increase in the power and performance of their engines. For reasons that have been kept hidden, the public have never been allowed access to this information.
What Water4Gas has done is combined knowledge of today's technology and STREAMLINED the technology using readily available components, to bring you devices that are both very simple, very affordable and at the same time very POWERFUL. You have been looking for this for so long that you may have forgotten. But here it is.
Garko has sinced written about articles on various topics from Science, Culture and Society and Science. Consumer advocate, songwriter, entrepreneur and activist, GARKO, is on a mission to save you from having to invent a car that runs on water and ha. Garko's top article generates over 22200 views. Bookmark Garko to your Favourites.
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