Remember the first time when you felt that a online work at home business was the way to go? You where probably excited and could think of plenty good reasons to start your new career as soon as possible. Reasons like, no commuting, endless income opportunity, spending more time with the family, and probably many more.
The next step you took probably had to do with searching for the perfect work at home opportunity, you've spend several hours searching the internet and, like I did, tried several different make money fast schemes. Did they work? If you are anything like me they most likely didn't.
In the end you decided to do it your way, get your own web site and make money that way.
Now you've got your own web site with some great products on offer and a terrific design but, unfortunately no visitors.
Today you will find out why, and you will be amazed on how simple it really is to change all this to your advantage.
You see there is only one big difference between you and all those people who actually do make money online.
Become active by doing the things you don't really like doing.
We all know, that in order to get visitors to your web site, you need to be found in the search engines. To be found in the search engines you need lots of links pointing to your web site and this can only truly be achieved by hard work. Exactly the kind of work most of us don't like.
-True a decent linking campaign- You can do this in several different ways but make sure to exchange links with other sites complimentary to yours. It is in your own interest to use a decent link manager program to save as much time as possible.
-Writing lots of keyword orientated articles- One of the fastest ways to get decent inbound (one way) links to your site is through article writing. You should make sure to make them keyword rich and place your keywords at least in the beginning and the end of your article. Submit them to every article directory you can find.
-Participate in forums (discussion boards)- Most forums allow you to put some links in to your signature file, when you regularly post on different forums you will once again get more inbound links. Next to that there is a major opportunity to learn and receive free information.
Just take a good look at yourself and decide if you can honestly say that you take those extremely important steps on a daily bases.
By the time you seriously commit yourself to making these steps a part of your daily routine, you will see the amount of visitors to your web site grow. Not after a few days, but steadily within the next couple of months. That's when you work at home will finally be rewarded.
Just remember this,
"Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it."
1 Work At Home
Then along comes the well known email that markets the traffic exchanges. If you aren't familiar with traffic exchanges, it's really very simple. You see, you sign up for their service (which often times is free) and your website is put in a list. The way the free traffic works is that you surf the web using their browser, browsing sites that are in their directory (or list) and every 30 seconds you can refresh to a new site. As you continue to do this, it builds up credits for your account that you use for other people who are using their browser to see your site.
It's a cyclical service. You see their site, they see yours. And since you can have as many browsers going (among the many traffic exchanges) as your computer can handle, you can theoretically build up a large quantity of hits on your site in a relatively small period of time.
It seems like a great thing, and for many it fills a very necessary niche, so I can't say that the traffic exchanges are a bad service. I would use them in anything else that I am doing. I would, however, make a very big distinction.
First, I know and respect the techs at Google and I know that when they make a new program for their visitors and webmasters to use, they make it for the benefit of everyone. That is the case with their Adwords and Adsense programs, both targeted to helping webmasters make money through advertising (albeit the opposite ends of the scale).
So when I put an ad on my website, I know that I am offering a service to the advertiser (through Google) to reach their target market. And ethically, I should only be paid when I provide that service (someone clicks through that ad to their site). There are extreme ethical problems if you were to use traffic exchanges with the Adsense program to try and cheat the advertiser out of his hard earned dollars. Plus, if you haven't figured out by now, Google knows what you are doing. They have specific ways of knowing what a legitimate impression is, versus what is a hit generated by a traffic exchange. Your numbers quickly dwindle if you use a hit exchange and you run the risk of being kicked off the program.
Plus, often times you have to go through two websites wasting a full minute of your time before you get one hit directed to your website. Building up over time eventually it all adds up.
The best way to use the Adsense program is with a website that you have that is established and has a constant stream of visitors going through it. That's the goal of the program, make money off of an existing site and its content.
Both Harrold Swalve & Stall Aroz are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Harrold Swalve has sinced written about articles on various topics from Work From Home, Investments and Work From Home. Harrold Swalve is a published author and successful online entrepreneur. He owns the Work at Home Resource Center To find answers on al. Harrold Swalve's top article generates over 22200 views. Bookmark Harrold Swalve to your Favourites.
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