The constant tricks and persuasions have gone too far. I want it all to end. It is too deep for me to reach and endure. Fathomless cries and depressing heartaches can make my soul moribund.
I feel so down, falling, falling, way too low for me to climb back again. I pant, I gasp. The air around me is depleting. I panic. In frantic screams I resolve. Violence starts to attract. It will be a risk. I see no time, no hope, no reason, no life, endless doors and tunnels to run into. Faint. I can feel it.
I can almost taste it but I can't have it. Thus my eternal demise is what I crave for, what I need. Fear is nothing. I appear limpid when shown into the light. I feel thrown, pushed, dumped, pressed, violence- stricken, slapped, mortified, harassed, collapsed, lost, depressed, hopeless, moronic, retarded, killed, destroyed, damned, alone, distant, persecuted, erased, powerless, pleated, naïve, dead.
The onslaught that weakens me I dare not move nor breathe. My head in swirls cannot contemplate. I must say that I am in peril. I am peril. My eyes close like there's no tomorrow. Wake up no more. Trying to collide with my thoughts and worries I slump myself down. Cast away, left with no choice. The hard stomach I so much try to overcome. The pain, the anguish I fight with each day keeps me stronger. I don't know. The harm it would cause will not matter. The soul will pay for when the body suffers. Numb I go. I can't move a finger, lift a muscle nor touch a nerve.
Everything from within retires.
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