Minisite & Info  |  Tel. 6744 4577
Minisite & Info  |  Tel. 6250 2525
Tel. 6886 0360
Tel. 6686 4826
Tel. 6297 7339
Tel. 6245 3480
Tel. 6566 6213
Tel. 6278 5406
Tel. 6258 5895
Tel. 6896 2010
Tel. 6741 9925
Tel. 9768 4057

Tips on Installing Wallpapers
(1) Vertical patterns make the ceiling appear higher while horizontal widen a room & bring ceilings down. (2) For small rooms, avoid large patterns as they make the room look smaller. Instead go for small pattern or geometric design & use wallpaper with a light background. (3) For large rooms, open pattern looks best. Dark colors will make a room look smaller.

See Below for Wallpaper Shops
Business Finder allows users to search for businesses by Company Names and/or Products and Services in Singapore, Malaysia, Penang and USA. In Singapore alone, there are over 138,000 registered Singapore private limited and public companies which are classified into 3500 industries and consumer industrial. The difference between public and private companies is that; A Singapore Private Limited Company is classified as a company where its shareholders has limited liability. Mainly, the liability of the shareholders to creditors are limited to the original capital invested. In the case of insolvency, a shareholder's personal assets are also protected. Company shares of private limited companies, cannot be offered to the general public, unlike those of public limited companies. This is the major distinguishing feature between a private limited company and a public limited company. Users can use this business directory to search for company names, tel numbers, fax numbers, industries and more.