Jalan J-Avenue 43200 Cheras Selangor (Behind Jaya Jusco, Cheras Selatan)
Tel: 016 773 9363 | Website
Reg. Name: Advo Malaysia Education
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@Advo Malaysia Education
Advo Sdn Bhd

Advo Sdn Bhd was conceived in April 2010 with the adventurous vision to bring forth the concept of Total Balanced Education to the youths of today to become the leaders of tomorrow by advocating all rounded learning, yet keeping attuned with all aspects of living by applying Total Balance to achieve an all-rounded and fulfilled life and be equipped with courage and confidence to face the challenges and excel in the dynamic arena of the 21st century.

The team is constantly creating new learning strategies to help students learn better and faster. Attending both Western and Asian motivational and educational workshops, we are fusing the creativity aspect of the Western education with the disciplined learning culture of the Eastern world to create lasting results in students not just for a spark of moment but in the long run to be independent in learning.



Sun Tzu, an acclaimed military strategist once said to know oneself is half the battle won. We believe each person can go on a self discovery journey about himself so that he can build on his strength and work on his weakness


Unlimited power surges when uncovered potential is coupled with the right skills and tools. In Advocators, we empower your child with skills which they will want to bring back to apply because of the value they know these skills will bring to them in their journey to success.


An old Chinese proverb says that we must "remember the source of our water supply" (饮水思源). Appreciate the things that one already has even those little things around us! You will find life is wonderful when you are grateful.


Total Balance is what Advocators advocate as our highest core. We believe that it is the key to achieving a fulfilled and rewarding life. Therefore, it is always important to balance various aspects of life to live a happy and balanced life.

OUR VISION: To be The World's leading Academic Coaching Centre.

OUR MISSION STATEMENT: To provide an Education for Everyone to Live their Dreams by putting a smile back into Learning.